Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Ah !!! Completed the first semester of my masters successfully at Bournemouth University. Relaxing after submitting two assignments. While enjoying the Christmas vacation I thought of writing my first post on what I did in this semester.

I really feel good to have chosen Bournemouth University, as it has a good reputation and being quite famous for Animation we had weekly visit from people working in Framestore, MPC and Double Negative.  It was really interesting to learn and know how things are done in the VFX industry.

Having only a year to study, the course is quite jam packed, but enjoyable as well :)

Started the course with various classes. One such subject was Animation Software Development taught by an interesting professor Jon Macey :P As far as I know he is the best at teaching and very knowledgeable. He taught  OpenGL and C++ in a perspective needed for a technical artist.

Our first assignment was given by Jon Macey to develop a basic software using OpenGL, C++ and NGL(NCCA Graphics Library). I decided to work on L-Systems, to create a realistic tree. I will write a detailed post on L-System later.

We also had Maya lessons with another fantastic Professor. Though I was not expert in Maya before, his classes gave a deep insight into what Maya was actually capable of doing. We were allowed to experiment with Maya on our own later as it is really a huge software that can't be covered in a single term.
The second assignment was given by him, to present a still image that has Dynamism in it.

Houdini an interesting 3D software was taught by Phil Spicer. To be frank, it was shocking to know that Houdini does everything based on nodes and networks. Initially I thought that the software would be boring but it turned out to be quite interesting. Studying Maya and Houdini in parallel was quite intriguing as we were able to analyze the way both the software works.

Another fascinating subject we had was the Moving Image theory taught by various professors. Had an insight into the history, art and theory of how the moving images came into existence.
Though we are basically programmers, we were taught to have an artistic eye as well.We were taught the basics of life drawing and story boarding as well.

This semester gave an overall insight into various areas rather than only concentrating on programming, so that we can have a clear view of what is happening in the industry, so that we can work well along side artists.