Car Model
To obtain a realistic crash sequence between two cars, I employed Maya's nDynamics technique. The car to be crashed acted as an nCloth while the other car was made the Passive collider. A new cache was then created to obtain the desired crash effect between the cars.I tried several collision objects to the car to make it look more realistic. The collission object had to be animated to create the shatter effect and it had a good effect when Motion blur was added to it during rendering. It took a lot of time to render, but once it had finished it had a pretty convincing shatter effect.
The exterior of the Car was modeled using the blueprints of a Nissan Car.The reference images obtained were then edited in Photoshop, to obtain the appropriate image proportions on all the images. Polygon box modeling was used to design various parts of the car separately and were combined together at a later stage.
The car's tyre was then modeled separately and animated, to achieve the motion blur effect and then imported into the original maya file.
The second red car was obtained by duplicating the first car and by changing its color to red.
For the fire explosion between the cars, the blast explosion from Visor is used.
Textures :
The car's texture is mia_car_paint under mentalray.
The image used on the car headlight obtained from car headlight image posted by Blinkenberg(2004),in which the color was edited in Photoshop to match the car's colour.
The car's glasses has the chrome mia_material, and its attributes were altered to achieve the desired reflective effect.
The Bournemouth University background image (Universities News 2012) was used as a texture on a plane and altered to match the car explosion.
Lighting :
I used Image based Lighting to illuminate the scene so that the environments reflection would be visible on the cars windows.
I have used five area Lights.
One to illuminate the University nameboard and the other to illuminate the explosion of the cars.
Three more are used to reflect the explosion in the car's glasses of the two cars.
The output was finally rendered using mentalray.
I have done colour correction and added some blur to the image obtained from maya, using Photoshop CS6 to obtain a more realistic look to the image.
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