Thursday 29 January 2015

Read EDID info from Registry

Finally got relieved from the current team. Had to say good bye to the product I have been working, for the past six months. 

Moved to a new team, experiencing and learning new stuff under an efficient Lead.

Excited to know what's in store for me.

  1. Started with knowing how to read EDID information from the registry.
    This guy really had great stuff on how to do that. Thanks to him
    I was able to read the friendly name, even when the API DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME failed to retrieve the name.
  2. There came a checkpoint on how to read the edid, given a device name. I figured a workaround with the DISPLAYCONFIG_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME .monitorDevicePath, which gives nothing but DeviceId, Thanks to the same guy again, his blog really helped me out.

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